Martin Tech Labs

Fractional CTO Services

Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with Proven Tech Leadership

Leverage the experience of a veteran technologist without the hefty price tag. Ensure your tech team is aligned with your business objectives. Gain confidence that your technology is an asset, not a liability.

Team work!

How Can I Help?


My Services

Tech Strategy Blueprint

Align your technology initiatives with business objectives. I provide companies with a comprehensive, actionable roadmap, leveraging my expertise in software development, team building, and process optimization to drive growth and innovation.


Empower your leaders with expert guidance. My mentoring focuses on actionable advice, ensuring your leadership team is equipped to lead with confidence and achieve your organizational goals.

Prototyping and Green-field Projects

Transform your idea into a functional product. I facilitate the development of MVPs using the latest technologies, assisting you in validating your business concept.

Building an Effective Team

A successful project relies on a competent and motivated team. I can support your ongoing project by building a skilled team around it, aiming for consistent delivery and a high standard of quality.

Scaling Your Organization

I can help transform your current group into an efficient organization. I offer strategic guidance and practical solutions to ensure your technology group scales effectively and sustainably.


What Are People Saying?

Stephen delivered software that is invaluable to us, a game-changer. We can now track metrics, manage up, and scale without adding a ton of additional staff.

Will Rubinow
Will Rubinow
Founder/CEO Lyle Health

Stephen is an exceptional engineering leader who has a deep understanding of technology, tremendous resilience, and a genuine care for his team.

Howard Lin
Howard Lin
Staff Engineer at Meta

Stephen was a great partner and was able to negotiate a strong solution for our team through a combination of both communication and leadership skills.

Patrick Fink
Patrick Fink
Director of Engineering at CashApp

Ready to accelerate your engineering team?